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Recorded History of
Natural History Society

The Trinity College Natural History Society originated as early as in 1888 in making it one of the oldest in the proud history of the college for over 135 years. It started as a society regarding Natural History alone. This was the fore-runner of the present N.H.S. which dates back to 1948 when Miss. Edna Wells first took charge of the society as senior Vice President. Unfortunately, after a short spell she bade farewell to Trinity and was replaced by Mr. C.J.S. Daniel who was a zoologist himself.

The society's first junior Vice President A.Rambukwella and the committee organized trips to the Yala game sanctuary , the Peradeniya Veterinary, Entomological and plant pathology laboratories, the Colombo zoo, Aquarium and the museum. the meetings consisted of film shows and educational discussions on natural history. During the same year the N.H.S. joined the film Library of the American Embassy.
The aviary near the Gaster Block was renewed and was made home to a few budgerigars. A rock garden was constructed and as far as writers recall, a massive python was reared. All this took a mini zoo effect.

The society undertook to look after a pair of Pelicans in 1968. A project to name the trees in the School compound was also undertaken and completed.
A person worthy of mentioning who loved fauna and flora and saw in them, a glitter of hope for mankind was Mr. W.A.V. Sinnathamby. He rightly beloved the animals and birds, knew by instinct the pharmaceutical value of plants. He wanted the members to observe them in their natural habitat. As a founder of the College farm indirectly served the cause of the N.H.S.
The society experienced a critical revival for which the committee that took charge in 1990 deserves credit. It consisted of S.Darmasena(President), S.M. Sandaruwan (Secretary), R.Mulleriyawa (Treasurer). The first project undertaken by them was a survey of the fauna in the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya.

The society expanded its activities to study species ranging from little Birds to rare Elephants, the society had received the consultancy of late Prof. Vijitha Kuruwita, who was then, the best authority on the subject. In studying our immediate neighborhood, Udawattekele the society received the guidance of Dr. Nihal Karunaratne, a reputed physician with deep knowledge on biodiversity.

Having completed the quantitative bird survey, the members moved into a wide range, to make a comprehensive study of jungles around Hantana and Knuckles mountain range. The reports they made were useful to the authorities to prevent recurring forest fires.
The work of society was exhibited at the JEEVA exhibition in 1992. At the exhibition the School opened a stall on Butterflies using first hand information was highly praised.

While the members of the Society were involved in a study of the Hotron plains, they encountered the tragic forest fire on the 1st of March 1993. The part that our members played to bring it under control is worthy of record.
The survey carried out around Hantana mountain range was successfully completed with help of the specialists at IFS. The other members were involved in a study of birds in the vicinity, theri migrating patterns and other aspects of Ornithology.
One member of the society S. Hapuhinna took on the most risky hobby of collecting, reading and studying the most venomous cobras of the country.

Amazingly some of the information he had gathered with careful study and observation was not known to the renowned zoologists of the island.

From 1994- 1996 the society focused its study on marine biodiversity, global aquatic life, earth quakes and the fauna and flora of the Manikdena Archeological Site. All these involved extensive travelling and a good number of excursions and hikes Records reveal that the scientists listed below were directly involved in the work of the society.

Prof. K. Danapala - Earthquakes and implication on nature
Dr. Rohan Pethiyagoda - Global aquatic life
Dr. Mrs. Pauline Dayaratne - Marine Diversity
Dr. H.I. Katugaha - Turtles
Dr. R. Kotagama - Wild life

After a little break in 2007 N.H.S. Organized a provincial hike at Hantana Reserves; comprising of Zoology, Ornithology and Botany

2009, A new era for the N.H.S. The Present committee planned a research to break the silence of the society. The source point was "Udawattekele". The research was on 'detrimental plants' and the main objective was to gain a specific knowledge on biodiversity. We spent three days to cover the estimated area. We had the maximum support from Vidyartha college, St. Anthony's College and Mahamaya College.
The TCk NHS has been through a journey of steady climb since its origination. Due to the commitment and inspiration of its members over the years , a high magnitude of work has been successfully completed maintaining high standards. We strongly believe it will continue in its path of glory with events such as the "Green Eye" to make our College the proudest and best of all.

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